Beloved son of Bob and Debbie, sister to Christie (Greg) uncle to Emma and Aiden nephew to Jack and Lizzy and best friend to Peanut his furry buddy.
Carson had a great sense of humour and will be remembered for his infectious laugh.
As a young boy he was an entrepreneur and had a lawn care business and a paper route. He had a passion for dirt bikes and ATV's and had received a trophy for an ATV race. Nothing made him happier than having a campfire, the bigger the better along with his favourite tunes! Lately it was country rock (which makes his sister proud!) he spent a lot of time watching his YouTube videos and chilling in the garage, his happy place. His happiest times recently were on the boat on Georgian Bay fishing with his dad, let the fish stories begin! When not fishing he would just go out on the bay to one of the islands and enjoy the water and a barbecue with family! He joined the YMCA and started running, (a previous passion) and working out. When he came home his furry little buddy Peanut would always be waiting at the door for playtime, of course and a treat!
Carson spent a lot of time this past summer with his Nephew Aiden at the lake, also teaching him how to use the lawn tractor. He spent time-baking with his Niece Emma cracking jokes! We will always remember the Good Times!
You will be forever in our hearts always in our thoughts. Hugs and kisses, we miss you so much❤️
If desired, in lieu of flowers, donations in Carson's memory may be made to the Innisfil Food Bank and are greatly appreciated by the family.