Evelyn Wark-Szlachta

November 13, 2018

Celebration Details








A tribute from Evelyn's mother, Shelley:

Dearest Evelyn,

When your father and I learned I was pregnant with you, it came as a surprise, but words cannot describe how happy and excited we were have our first child growing inside of me. At our first ultrasound, we were blown away to catch our first glimpses of you, and how active and playful you were as you were, learning how to use your newly developed arms and legs.

The next time I saw you I marvelled at how much you had grown in those short weeks, and how perfect you looked to me.

The last time we saw you, our hearts warmed when we learned that we were having a beautiful little girl.

Then the dreaded day came when we learned that all was not well with you. The following days went by in a blur of medical appointments and ultrasounds as they monitored your progress, and then the day came when we lost you.

The days that followed were the hardest I have I ever endured, but I feel blessed that for a brief moment of my life I had the privilege of carrying you, loving you, and seeing your beautiful little face during my stay in the hospital.

As I sit here writing this, I am reminded of a day, shortly after learning of your illness. I went alone for a walk, thinking of you and feeling heartbroken knowing that my days carrying you were probably coming to an end. The sky had been dreary, but I noticed the clouds were starting to part, and the sunlight was starting to beaming down. When I looked into the sky, the most beautiful rainbow was developing before my eyes. I stood alone on that path and watched as the colours became vibrant and brilliant, then slowly faded away into nothing. In that moment I realized that you, my dearest Evelyn, were just like that rainbow. You were here, you were beautiful, and then you were gone.

Rest In Peace my sweet little rainbow. Someday I will hold you in my arms again.

Love you always and forever, Mom
