Paul Tschirhart

May 9, 2018

Celebration Details








Paul Edward Tschirhart son of the late Edward and Elfrieda Tschirhart passed away on May 9, 2018 at Royal Victoria Hospital. He was 61. He is survived by his sister Susan Kusturin and brother in law John Kusturin, nieces Kendra Kusturin and Kristin Kusturin, and a multitude of friends.
Paul was an avid athlete, nature-lover and traveler. A talented basketball player, he was the MVP on his high school team. His love of the game made him a dedicated Raptors fan. He was an accomplished skier - both cross country and downhill. He worked as an instructor at Molson Park and Horseshoe Valley. His talents as a telemark skier were featured in instructional videos.
Paul's father instilled in him a love of the outdoors. Annual boat or canoe trips to the 'Hunt Camp' on Georgian Bay were a highlight in his life from the time he was a baby.
Paul was an adventurer. He loved road trips - be they on bicycle, motorbike or car. He and his father travelled by car through the southern states enjoying the sunshine and birdwatching (birds of all varieties, especially on the beaches of Key Largo). Paul's friends relate stories of many car and motorbike excursions, legal and otherwise, that would make a less daring soul cringe with fear. His nieces recall the wicked gleam in Uncle Paul's eye as he encouraged them to try stunts that were clearly beyond their capabilities. These attempts were always followed by bone crushing hugs. Paul and his friend and partner Jill Strapp, undertook a cycling trip of Australia; an adventure typical of them both.
When they returned home, Paul took up a position with Rentokil in Vancouver in their plant services department. He excelled and was awarded the salesman of the year and a trip to the Baja. He delighted in visiting Hotel California of Eagles fame. After cancer forced him to leave his position with Rentokil, Paul and Jill set up an indoor plant company providing plant and plant maintenance services to local businesses.
Throughout his life, Paul was a lover of the arts. Music was a passion; almost all genres. He was a huge 70s and 80s rock fan and a lover of jazz of all vintages. Friend, Tim Moore, himself a musician, credits Paul with having a very discerning ear. He could spot new and exciting performers long before they rose to fame.
Paul became a visual art enthusiast in recent years. He acquired a collection of pieces through the Orillia Museum of Art and History. With his sister (his "other mother" as he liked to call her) he enjoyed many exhibitions at the AGO.
Paul has faced illness throughout his adult life. He battled his first cancer at age 36 and, through to the end, fought the consequences of the disease and its treatment. In keeping with his deep curiosity about life, these struggles drew him to the wisdom and teachings of a breadth of spiritual traditions. He has faced his adversities with a determination and positive attitude that is remarkable.
His zest for life is a lesson to us all.
The family is planning a commemorative gathering at a favorite haunt of Paul and his friends. There will be music and reminiscences. We hope to see many friends and family.
Sticky Fingers Pub
150 Dunlop St, Barrie
Sunday May 27th
2 pm - 5 pm
